Friday, December 23, 2011

My Wish List

This is, as the title suggests, my 'Wish List' of specific images/shots I’d like to take. I suppose some of these ideas could turn into a full fledged photo series or project collection somewhere down the line, but for right now, they're simply a collection of photo notions I'd like to attempt for my own amusement...

...and possible enrichment. Yes, if I can find a market, I will offer them for sale, so a signed commercial model release is mandatory, boyz n girlz. The good news is that my 'Wish List' collaborators will also share in any profits derived from the sale of the images...

Oh, I'm including sample shots here and there (where I've actually managed a bit of "Wish Fulfillment) to more fully illustrate my notions. That there's a photo doesn't mean that particular "Wish" isn't still open to further interpretation...

Ready? Okay then, here we go...

Expose Yourself Once upon a time I saw a poster that showed a man & woman standing before a nude statue, backs to the camera, wearing long coats and holding them open. The caption read "Expose Yourself To Art." I'd like to recreate this shot and even know a few spots in which to do it. All I need is a model w/a long coat, wearing shorts (or a skirt) to do it with. No actual nudity will be involved and no statues will be offended. Promise!

(At right is an example from a recent After Dark session. Yep, I'm not too good to intermingle project ideas one into another...)

Live Bait I've seen variations on this particular theme: models portraying fishermen reeling in their catch. Sometimes that "catch" was a Triple D bra or a pair of "slightly used" briefs or maybe an old bike tire or other piece of flotsam. My thought is to shake things up a bit and create a humorous series of portrayals in which a young couple go "fishing" for their first grader, a "swinging single" uses her bra or his checkbook to "catch" their ideal mate... The series I have in mind would range from 'G' rated fun up to 'R' rated sexy shots...

Frame Job I have access to a rather large selection of Photo/Art frames in a variety of sizes, colors & style that I would like to incorporate into some model sessions. Without giving away too much, it occurs to me that these frames could be 'wondrously magical' or 'entirely wicked' in that the portion of the image contained within them will be altered dramatically from that outside the frame... There's room in this concept for Family Friendly as well as Delightfully Naughty versions in single, double and multiple model sessions. Who wants to see the view within, hmmm?

Feeding Frenzy During a recent exchange w/a model friend on Twitter concerning restaurants & cuisines it occurred to me that it might be fun to do a series on dining, with a bit of attitude. Something "tongue in cheek" along the lines of the "Do Not Feed the Bears" signs at the zoo... I''m thinking this is gonna be messy...

My Mug Book Another notion of mine, a collection of models (and real people too! ) making funny faces for my camera. The images included in the collection will be very tight close ups in a uniformly square crop. Oh, I should also probably mention that the collection will include both color and Black and White shots...

This notion may very well end up being published in either book or calendar formats, depending on how many collaborators I find who are interested and willing to "mug" for my camera. :snickers:

Oh, and for what it's worth, I'm also happy to include some serious/actual headshots suitable for hanging or use in your portfolios...

UP! This one's a free form series of silhouettes I'm considering taking on. Conceptually, it's still a work in progress, but the basic premise is to put my model up high - on a wall, a ladder, a set of stairs, fire escape, or handy hill top - with a strong, slanting light behind them. Since the focus is on the silhouette, models should plan on wearing close fitting attire that will showcase their figure to good advantage. Also, except in rare instances, most shoots will be conducted at either daybreak or sunset - that's when the sun will be positioned most advantageously for sharpest silhouette work...

The Snobbish Kudos to Dave Rivard for suggesting this one to me. I spend a great deal of time in several different libraries and have had run ins with several staff members who seem to think editing model images is both “naughty” and “dirty” and should be disallowed in these hallowed halls. Friend Dave suggested I consider a portrait series based on those experiences, so here it is.

I want to photograph a set of models (real people too!) dressed in their best biz casual who can really rock the notion of “lookin’ down their Patrician noses” at lesser mortals... This one’s open to males, females, children, family pets... Location is pretty much up to the model – your home, a nearby park, Navy Pier, the zoo, walking down a sidewalk, wherever works for you...

This one’s all about satirizing the “Holier Than Thou” set in “da Snobbery,” Friends. Ought to be a lot of fun to shoot...

Lilliputian Invasion... Everybody remembers Gulliver's Travels, right? The sailor who was the lone survivor from his storm tossed ship who got washed up ashore in Lilliput? A wondrous tale in which Point of View is run around the block a few dozen times... I got to thinking about POV this past weekend and decided I'd like to run it around the block a few more times. Hence the "Lilliputian Invasion."

Equal parts photography & Photoshop, this one's all about inserting my models into unlikely locations, such as peeking out of a coffee cup or roller skating on an overturned CD or rope climbing up a phone cord... You get the idea, I hope. So who's ready to be really, Really SMALL? Shoots are open to male, female, animal and even child models...

Want Fries With That... This is a Monster-land inspired (ask me privately if you must), multi-fetish shot that I’ve had tumbling around my head for a few months now. It requires 2 individuals, a bright sunny Spring or Summer day, a picnic table w/cheap plastic table cloth and a number of squeeze bottles filled with ketchup, (or mustard, BBQ sauce, Salad Dressing, etc.), safety goggles & very high heels...

Model #1 will kneel at the end of the table so just his/her head shows above table top. Model #2 will be wearing “Very High Heels” & standing on table top. Focus will be limited to views of her “Very High Heels,” table top, squeeze bottle & target head as Model #2 steps down on squeeze bottle pointed at Model #1. (Safety goggles will be provided.)

Goal: to capture the full condiment stream between squeeze bottle & target model in a single panoramic view. I expect to have to do some computer manipulations to accomplish this...

Parts is Parts Requires a single model who is comfortable in his/her own skin. I want to capture a series of body part close ups (hands, feet, navel, buttocks, chest, biceps, thigh, etc.). Those individual images would then be “processed” to alter coloration, texture, sizing, etc. before being combined into a single “Cubist-type patchwork” of an amalgam.

Ideally, I would like to do both male & female versions of this...

Eye On You Open to male or female models. I want to capture an extremely tight, full frame, high resolution shot of a model’s eye. Two versions: One of just the eye & the second with the model’s headshot superimposed into the pupil...

SteamPunk Casual Open to male, female or both, preferably models well versed in the SteamPunk Look/Lifestyle. I'm looking to cautiously dip my toe into this particular genre before going all out with the SteamPunk Wedding I'm planning to stage later this year. Anybody up for a bit of "trial & error" one of these weekend mornings? Get with me and we'll try our hand at something a bit unique...

Just these few for now. I will be updating with new “Wishes” from time to time, so if nothing listed appeals today, please feel free to come back & check my Wish List often. I never quite know when inspiration will strike me...

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